Nevada Medical Marijuana Program | Nevada Marijuana Doctors - My MMJ Doctor

For the actual event in Nevada history, a major political party has endorsed creating a safe, legal medical marijuana industry. This move could ease the suffering of thousands of patients and finally legitimize the state’s black market network of pot dispensaries.

In their official party platform, released just days after their late-June convention, delegates with the Nevada Democratic Party for the first time included clear, powerful language endorsing Nevada’s emerging medical marijuana industry “as a contributing part of a compassionate, alternative health care in Nevada.”

The state Democratic party’s newfound cannabis love encourages longtime activists like Mike McAuliffe. He runs a patient referral service in town and a driving force behind a medical marijuana plank. McAuliffe said he’s hopeful Democrats in the Legislature will use their newly minted pot plank as a springboard for codifying a safe, legal means of access to the plant for registered patients — a move lawmakers conspicuously avoided when they stood up the state program in 2001.

According to state insiders, both lawmakers and officials with the Nevada State Health Division, the government entity that oversees the state’s medical-marijuana program, have begun asking staffers at the Legislative Counsel Bureau to research how other states have handled legal pot distribution.

Nevada Medical Marijuana Law Changing?

Attorneys for a storefront marijuana dispensary are asking a second state judge in Las Vegas to declare Nevada’s medical marijuana laws too vague to enforce for prosecution.

Clark County District Court Judge said Friday he wants to review the evidence presented to a grand jury that indicted five defendants before deciding whether charges including conspiracy, sale, and possession of marijuana should stand.

State law lets medical cardholders possess small amounts of marijuana, but other states and federal laws make it illegal to buy or sell it. This causes considerable problems in the Nevada Medical Marijuana LAw and closes the door to young entrepreneurs looking to get started in an ever-growing industry.

Nevada Medical Marijuana Appointments | Nevada Marijuana Doctors

Nevada Marijuana Doctors Appointment Request

Marijuana Doctors of Nevada is pleased to offer custom solutions tailored to meet your specific needs as a potential marijuana patient in Nevada. Â Advertiser opportunities include media placement, sponsored programs, branded content integration, and interactive tools. 

Nevada Medical Marijuana Program Almost Approved

For the most fantastic time in Nevada history, a major political party has endorsed creating a safe, legal medical marijuana industry. This move could ease the suffering of thousands of patients and finally legitimize the state’s black market network of pot dispensaries.

Nevada Marijuana Doctors

This is yet different excellent part of why medical marijuana grow laws need to be enforced in the state of Nevada. Too many innocent victims are criminalized by unnecessary force because the state police have a lack of knowledge for the medical marijuana laws in the state of Nevada


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